Cypriot Family Law
Family law in Cyprus has to some extent been influenced by Greek Family law. However, the regime, which has been established over the years and according to jurisprudence, has formed its own character, which is applied in the Cypriot Family Courts, which deal with cases such as divorce, parental responsibility, property disputes and many other separately matters relating to the jurisdiction of that particular court. It is a legal branch of Law that has a special character. In fact, over the years and with the conditions that our society itself shapes and its needs, Family Law itself evolves and forms new provisions that are applicable in the Courts.
One of the most crucial issues in Family Law is divorce, which is the beginning of the obligations of spouses arising from the legal consequences of a divorce petition. The role of the lawyer at this stage is to inform his client of these rights and obligations not only after the divorce but also from the moment of the commencement of the procedures up to the date of approval from the Family Court, by court order due to the fact that at this stage the family court will have to decide on the use of the marital home as well. It is clearly a key issue, especially when in a marriage the spouses have a child or children.
Fortune relations
The Fortune relations between the spouses is the most complicated part of the Family Law as it concerns the movable and immovable property of the spouses acquired during the marriage. The cases in which a Family Court is called to rule on the share of each spouse are varied and each case is dealt in accordance to the provisions of the Law. The application for divorce, in particular the reasons for a spouse’s guilt in issuing it, does not affect the outcome of the Fortune dispute and the distribution of the spouses’ fortune, nor does it affect the settlement of the marital home.
Fortune rights derive from the contribution of each spouse to the distribution of fortune in the event of divorce. Each spouse can claim a contribution to the other spouse’s property increase. The issue of spouses’ assets varies and is an issue that is evolving and year after year the data on which the Law is based is changing and the changes are continuous. Clearly, the role of the lawyer here is to inform his client about his rights and/or obligations towards the Law.
Spouse alimony and child alimony
The main priority of the spouses’ alimony is the financial support of the financially weaker spouse than the other.
The main priority of the children’s alımony is to support them according to the needs of each child and taking into consideration his age. In fact, age is what often determines the amount of the alımony a child receives through hıs.her legal parent, along with several other parameters that are set under consideration in calculating the amount of the alımony. The amount of this alımony is also extracted through the ability of each parent to provıde for the children.